The Fly

GLSL Shadertoy Shader

The challenge for this shader was to a) pay tribute to an awesome movie, and b) to add some animated content. I actually got quite attached to the little Fly – It was fun working out how to make a dot move like a fly, and go through the ‘transporting’ process with a bit of character.

The textures are based on FBM noise – In the case of the wood, once axis is squashed much more than the other. Even the plain walls have some subtle noise added to them, making them look a but more realistic than they would if perfectly flat.

I cheated with the vertical drain pipe – It is actually infinitely long to keep the code simple. It definitely looked strange when the scene was viewed in VR, so I had to add some distance fog when looking up.

The GLSL shader source can be found here, and a 360° VR view here.

Ready Player One

GLSL Shadertoy Shader

After watching Ready Player One way too many times (Then reading the book. Then reading the second book.), I figured I just had to write a shader. Starting of with some reasonably straight-forward modelling of the Iron Giant (using axis symmetry to get lots of objects ‘for free’), I then added the landscape, the ‘force field’, and then the towers.

This is the first shader I have made compatible with VR, and it works really well. It was amazing to see how well the infinite landscape and stars in the sky added to the realism, and the camera angles really make the Iron Giant ‘giant’. I spent ages just looking around the ‘world’ thinking ‘I made this!’.

The GLSL shader source can be found here, and a 360° VR view here.