The Code
For anyone planning on making their own ‘Useless Box’, you might find my Arduino Sketch(/code) useful as a starting point. The version I’m using here is not my final version, which adds more ‘character’ at the expense of code readability.
You’ll have to tweak the fingerMin
and lidMin
values to suit your own designs, but hopefully that should be quite straight forward.
If you find the code useful, or develop or further, please let me know! It would be great to see others getting some benefit from it!
// Written by Dean Edis ( // The code is provided as example code only. #include <Servo.h> enum { STATE_IDLE, // Nothing happening. Switch is off. STATE_SWITCHED, // User just flipped switch. STATE_TURNOFF_SIMPLE, // Turn off - Simple, quick, switch off. }; Servo lidServo, fingerServo; float fingerPosition = 0.0f; // 0.0 (inside) to 1.0 (pushing switch) float lidPosition = 0.0f; // 0.0 (closed) to 1.0 (open) float servoTicksPerLoop = 0.0004f; int switchPin = 2; int currentState = STATE_IDLE; void initServo(Servo& s, int pin) { s.attach(pin); } bool isSwitchOn() { return digitalRead(switchPin) == HIGH; } void setState(int newState) { currentState = newState; } void moveFingerTo(float& position) { if (position < 0) position = 0; else if (position > 1.0) position = 1.0; const int fingerMin = 67; const int fingerMax = 13; fingerServo.write(map(position * 1024, 0, 1024, fingerMin, fingerMax)); } // Move finger from current position back into rest position. void retractFinger() { fingerPosition -= servoTicksPerLoop; moveFingerTo(fingerPosition); } // Move finger from current position to maximum extension. void extendFinger() { fingerPosition += servoTicksPerLoop; moveFingerTo(fingerPosition); } void moveLidTo(float& position) { if (position < 0) position = 0; else if (position > 1.0) position = 1.0; const int lidMin = 133; const int lidMax = 110; lidServo.write(map(position * 1024, 0, 1024, lidMin, lidMax)); } // Move lid from current position back into rest position. void closeLid() { lidPosition -= servoTicksPerLoop; moveLidTo(lidPosition); } // Move lid from current position to open position. void openLid() { lidPosition += servoTicksPerLoop; moveLidTo(lidPosition); } // Abort any current action and move servos to rest positions. void goToSleep() { // Retract finger first... if (fingerPosition > 0) { retractFinger(); return; } // ... then close lid. closeLid(); } // Move finger and lid to turn off switch. void turnOff() { // Open lid fully. if (lidPosition < 1.0) { openLid(); return; } // ...then move finger to hit the switch. extendFinger(); } void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); // Init servos. float startPos = 0.0; initServo(lidServo, 9); moveLidTo(startPos); initServo(fingerServo, 10); moveFingerTo(startPos); // Init switch. pinMode(switchPin, INPUT_PULLUP); delay(2000); } void loop() { switch (currentState) { case STATE_IDLE: if (isSwitchOn()) setState(STATE_SWITCHED); else goToSleep(); break; case STATE_SWITCHED: setState(STATE_TURNOFF_SIMPLE); break; case STATE_TURNOFF_SIMPLE: if (isSwitchOn()) turnOff(); else setState(STATE_IDLE); break; } }
Great work! Can’t wait for more 😉